As we progress further into the year, it seems only fitting to feature a talented junior rider as our Rider Of The Month. Jamie is a rising star worth following closely. We see big things for her and her horses as they continue their journey.


Jamie captivated our attention with her unwavering drive and deep passion for her horses, all while successfully juggling school and competing with three horses on a full-time basis. Her horses are- Latoka S, Eagles Limpopo, Capital Heartbeat

During our conversation with Jamie, here's what she had to share:


1. For how many years have you been riding horses?

I have been riding for 8 and 1/2 years.

2. What is your favorite show venue?

My favorite show venue is Kyalami Equestrian Park, riding in the Bob Charter Arena the most incredible feeling and it’s close to home.

3. How do you manage to balance your school and show jumping full time?

It’s difficult because I always feel like I am playing catch up at school, because my riding comes first. I do online schooling which does help.

4. Could you share your weekly training routine with us?

My horses do following:
-Monday= off
-Tuesday= gymnastic/cavaletti work
-Wednesday= hack or flatwork lesson
-Thursday= jumping lesson
-Friday= hack or flatwork lesson
-Saturday= flatwork (if no show)
-Sunday= hack (if no show)

5. What strategies do you employ to remain composed while competing?

I’m an over thinker, so I make sure not to complicate everything, I listen only to my coach and block out distractions. I make sure I am well prepared, with everything packed the night before. I remind myself that there is always another show, when things don’t go well.

6. As a show jumper, what are some of the most significant obstacles you've had to overcome, and how did you manage to do so?

The transition from 1.20 to opens was not smooth sailing. I had a few confidence knocks with bad rounds, few falls, stops & eliminations. I overcame it by not giving up, working harder on the flat & jumping, listening to my horse and my coach always believed in me and that helped me push through.

7. What is the most memorable moment or achievement you've experienced thus far in your show jumping career?

Jumping Limpopo’s first 1.30 in the Bob Charter where he was clear and 2nd. As well as winning the Children’s Open SA Champs in 2020.

8. What steps do you take to prepare yourself and your horse for a competition, both mentally and physically?

My horses either have physio, chiro or shockwave depending on the show and how they are feeling. If it’s a long show I double up on their Equaan 1000 joint supplement. I like to hack them lightly the day before to keep them relaxed. I do cross fit to keep fit & strong but take a rest day before a show to make sure I’m not stiff. Mentally I visualise my rounds and what I want to achieve with each horse and always get an early night.

9. What are your goals for your horses in the future?

I never thought Limpopo would get this far, so with him I just take it day by day and we will see how far he can go. For now we will consolidate in the 1.30's and maybe give 1.35 a go at a later stage.
Latoka to jump open juniors and hopefully into the adult classes. Heartbeat is my moms horse and I’ll have to give him back at some stage but hopefully can jump him open juniors first. Spotty has been sick and is resting.

10. What made you want to start riding?

I’ve always been an animal lover, especially dogs & horses. I always wanted to ride, my mom said horses would break her bank and my heart but eventually gave in and let me ride after I failed dismally at just about everything else 🩰🎹🎤🏊‍♀️🏐

11. Who is the rider that has inspired you the most?

My coach Ronnie Healy, he works hard and is extremely talented. He has the perfect balance between strength and gentleness, I can’t imagine a single horse that wouldn’t go well for him and he has great horsemanship, not just riding skills.

12. Lastly, what is your favourite product in our collection, and what makes it stand out to you?

It is extremely hard to choose between the two, as I love all the colours & the versatility of the leggings but the breeches are probably my favourite, not too thick & not too thin, they are the perfect fit, so comfy and stylish.


We sincerely thank Jamie for her invaluable support of our brand and for taking the time to participate in this interview. We truly appreciate her contributions.

Follow Jamie on Instagram-


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